Korea Christian Environmental Movement Solidarity for Integrity of Creation
Major Activities

    1. Green Bazaar
    We help churches to set up small bazaars for selling environmentally positive
    products, and exchanging used ones, and encourage them to do the recycling Movement.

    2. Narrow Gate Leading to Life Movement(Matthew 7:13-14)
    We are propagating Environmental Ten Commandments of the Narrow Gate Leading to Life Movement in order to help Christians to live the lives focused on God and the Bible.

    3. The Environmental Sunday
    In memory of the world environment day (6 June), we are keeping the first
    Sunday of June as the environmental Lord's day since 1984, and supplying materials
    for services, propagation posters, and flyers of the environmental Sunday.

    4. Environmental Education
    We provide environmental education by correspondence course on meditation about Logos, general environmental theory, change of life style, and so on. About 1500 persons were educated during the last five years through this program. In addition to this, we provide special education such as video lessons, ecosystem
    education, life style change, spiritual seminars, and so on.

    5. Support to Churches' Environmental Activities
    We provide consultation to regional environmental problems and support
    individual churches' environmental activities such as the environmental Sunday,
    creation theology seminars, special lectures on environment, environmental
    exhibitions, and so on.

    6. Providing Audiovisual Materials for Environmental Education
    Video tapes
    Photographs for exhibition
    Propagation flyers
    Picture books for children