
아시아교회협의회 (CCA : Christian Conference of Asia)  제 15차 총회

2023-09-25 11:37


기독교환경운동연대에서는 9월 27일부터 10월 4일까지 "하나님, 성령 안에서 우리를 새롭게 하시고,  창조세계를 회복하소서.(God, Renew Us in Your Spirit and Restore the Creation)"라는 주제로 인도 코타얌에서 개최되는 아시아교회협의회 (CCA : Christian Conference of Asia)  제 15차 총회에 함께합니다.

특별히 이번 총회에서는 기독교환경운동연대에서는 에큐메니컬 대화  'Churcha'  프로그램의 "New Social-Environmental Ethics for Ensuring Restoring Ecological Equilibrium"를 기독교환경운동연대 파니 집해위원님이 맡아 진행합니다.

기독교환경운동연대에서는  이 프로그램을 통해 아시아지역 녹색교회의 교류와 생태기후 이슈에 공동 대응하기 위한 아시아 지역교회의 네트워크 구성을 모색할 예정입니다.

많은 괌심과 기도를 부탁드립니다.

New Social-Environmental Ethics for Restoring Ecological Equilibrium

With the earth in such a state of distress, it is difficult to achieve ecological balance. Experiments and economic activities have both played a significant role in destroying environmental harmony. Plant and animal species, as well as the environments in which they live, have become the targets and victims of exploitation and unethical behaviour.

To restore ecological balance, it is necessary to revisit the ethical standards that have been established over the last century. New international standards should be established to prevent further habitat disruption and the extinction of animal and plant species as a result of economic activities. There is a need among academics and the ecumenical movement to strengthen social-environmental ethics in response to the groaning discord seen among all created beings and nature itself. There is a need for the ecumenical churches to take a stand that benefits the whole inhabited earth.

Creating a new social-environmental ethics based on scientific principles and a biblical foundation may be a more effective response to the earth’s groaning and chaotic state. This ethical standard must govern not only the secular world but also the churches themselves in carrying out initiatives that benefit the environment and all of creation.

The Churcha session on ‘New Social-Environmental Ethics for Restoring Ecological Equilibrium’ will deliberate on the ethical values and principles and discuss the practical practices for ecological equilibrium.